All About Portafilters

Portafilters might be a new term for some of us. Many of us don’t even know what exactly a Portafilter is. If you’re an espresso lover then a portafilter is a must-buy for you. So I’ll tell you everything about a portafilter in this article one by one.

What is a portafilter?

A portafilter is a component of an espresso machine. It’s the spoon-like device that holds the ground coffee. You should attach the portafilter to the group head of the espresso machine, where the hot water comes into contact with the ground beans and extracts espresso.

What are the components of a Portafilter?

The filter basket containing tiny holes in which the ground coffee is placed, which is attached inside the portafilter. The coffee in the portafilter’s filter basket is then tamped (compressed) by the person making the espresso and the entire portafilter unit, including the basket with coffee grounds, is affixed to the machine.

The water is then extracted through the ground coffee in the portafilter/basket — similar to a standard drip coffee maker.

The tension spring — Holds the filter basket in place inside the portafilter during the brewing process.

The spout — A hole with a chute located at the bottom of the portafilter, through which the brewed espresso is extracted into a waiting cup or mug below it.

How to choose the perfect portafilter?

It’s not a hard task to select your perfect portafilter. Select a Portafilter that is compatible with your espresso machine. The second thing that you should look out for is the price of the portafilter. The third thing you should look out for is its efficiency.

Irene’s Coffee Company is the One-Stop | One-Roof | One-Hub Single platform for Saeco Machines across Pan-India. Irene’s Coffee Company is the Authorized Importer, Seller & Service provider for all Saeco Machines across Pan-India.

Editorial Curation by Mr. Roshan Sajan & written by Ms. Janhvi Kataria.

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This is Roshan Sajan, Connect with me to know any requirement of coffee machines as per your choice and preference.
